Graphite Reviewer is now Diamond

Here's everything new in Graphite in the last two weeks! If you haven't already, chat with our team in our Slack community and sign up for a Graphite account today.

  • Fixed an issue where the PR page would scroll erroneously

  • The inbox no longer shows review time in red for closed & merged PRs, making your inbox easier to read at a glance

  • 📋 Full CLI changelog

We're so excited to present our second-ever launch week May 6-10 (new dates) with a ton of new product & feature announcements, all based on your feedback. Save the date!

And at the end of the week on April 26, join Graphite CEO and cofounder Merrill Lutsky, as we discuss how the right tools can enable enterprises to codify best engineering practices across your entire org, boosting company-wide engineering velocity and developer satisfaction. RSVP today!

Now you can spin up new automation rules based on the CI status of your PRs! We've created templates for common workflows such as: wait to request reviewers until CI passes, and notify the PR author when CI fails.

👉 Create your first CI automation!

To help reduce your CI costs, Graphite can evaluate CI on a batch of PRs all at once and merge them if the status is green -- reducing your overall number of CI runs. This works with both stacked and non-stacked PRs. 

You may be wondering how this is different from Parallel CI. Both increase merge throughput, and batching especially helps with reducing CI runs when you merge. But in case you ever need to revert a PR and want to know CI passed at that point in time, you can configure Parallel CI to still run on each individual PR -- ensuring fully green commit history on your trunk branch.

And good news: we're going to integrate both merge strategies so you get the best of both worlds!

Want to get started with batch merges? Fill out this form and we'll be in touch!

Graphite's merge queue helps reduce your costs and time spent waiting on CI when you click merge, but what about when you're still making changes?

Soon, you'll be able to integrate Graphite with Buildkite and GitHub Actions to intelligently skip unnecessary CI runs, such as those happening in the middle of stacks, or for rebases.

Want to learn more? 👉 Schedule a quick Zoom call with our team or fill out this form at your convenience. Thank you!

New to Graphite or creating smaller, stacked pull requests? Sign up today!

Built for the world's fastest engineering teams, now available for everyone