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Common code review bottlenecks

Sara Verdi
Sara Verdi
Graphite software engineer
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Code reviews are an essential part of the software development lifecycle, however, they can also introduce delays if not managed properly. Identifying and addressing common bottlenecks in the code review process can speed up your review cycles, and in this guide we'll take a look at what these bottlenecks are and how to avoid them.

One significant code review bottleneck is the overload of pull requests (PRs), where reviewers are swamped with too many requests at once. This overload can delay the review process, as reviewers may struggle to prioritize which PRs to handle first. The congestion often results from a high volume of concurrent feature developments or hotfixes being merged into the main branch simultaneously.

Keeping branches around for too long without merging them into the main branch can cause several issues. As more changes accumulate, the PR associated with the branch becomes larger and more complex, making it harder and more time-consuming to review. This not only delays the merging process but also increases the likelihood of conflicts with the main branch, requiring additional time for resolution.

PRs lacking sufficient context or documentation can significantly slow down the review process. Reviewers might need to spend extra time understanding the purpose of the changes or figuring out how they fit into the larger codebase, which could be better streamlined with better initial communication.

Discrepancies in coding standards among team members can lead to unnecessary discussion and rework during the review process. When code is not written to a common standard, reviewers may focus more on stylistic or structural inconsistencies rather than the functionality of the code.


Graphite's PR Inbox functions like an "email client" for your PRs, helping you stay organized and efficiently manage which PRs require your attention. Here's how it addresses these bottlenecks:

Graphite creates default sections in the PR Inbox such as "Needs your review," "Approved," and "Waiting for review," which helps prioritize and manage PRs effectively. This makes sure that no PRs go unnoticed and that reviewers can focus on what's most urgent.

Graphite's streamlined software development workflow coupled with its first-class support for stacking helps engineers create stacks of small pull requests that are easier to review and faster to merge. This strategy prevents long-lived feature branches from clogging up your review backlog.

The app's fuzzy search lets reviewers quickly find PRs across synced repositories by title, description, author, and more, which speeds up the review process and provides better context.

You can share your PR Inbox section configurations with your teammates using Graphite, ensuring that everyone follows the same process for reviewing PRs. This shared approach helps maintain consistent standards and expectations across the team.

By addressing these common bottlenecks, Graphite's PR Inbox streamlines the code review process, making it more efficient and less susceptible to delays. Teams that adopt such tools can expect to ship better software faster, emphasizing the importance of leveraging the right technologies to enhance development workflows.

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