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"Did not match any file(s) known to git"

Greg Foster
Greg Foster
Graphite software engineer
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This guide explains this concept in vanilla Git. For Graphite documentation, see our CLI docs.

This error occurs when you try to perform a Git operation (e.g., checkout, add, or commit) and the file or path you specified doesn't match any files that Git is tracking. It can happen when attempting to run git checkout, and it can stem from:

  • Typographical errors in the file or directory name.
  • Case sensitivity differences in file names.
  • Ignored files due to .gitignore rules.
  • Trying to reference a file or branch that doesn't exist in the repository.

git fetch

This synchronizes branch information between your local development environment and remote. It does not attempt to merge remote changes into local. After that, you should be able to run git checkout again.

Git is precise about file and directory names. Even a minor typo will result in this error.

  1. Use ls (list files) or dir (Windows) in your terminal to verify the correct file path:
    ls path/to/directory/
  2. Confirm the file exists and the path is correct.
  3. Retype the command with the verified path:
    git add path/to/your-file.txt

Git is case-sensitive by default, even on case-insensitive file systems (e.g., Windows or macOS).

If your file is named and you run:

git add

You’ll encounter the error.

  1. Use ls to check the file's exact case:
    ls -l
  2. Use the exact case in your Git commands:
    git add

Files listed in .gitignore are excluded from Git operations.

  1. Check if the file is ignored:
    git check-ignore -v path/to/your-file.txt
    If it is ignored, the output will show the .gitignore rule causing the exclusion.
  2. Modify .gitignore to allow the file:
    • Remove the specific rule, or
    • Add an exception:
  3. Stage the file:
    git add path/to/your-file.txt

If you're trying to checkout a branch or commit, the error indicates it doesn’t exist or isn’t reachable.

You attempt:

git checkout feature/nonexistent-branch
  1. List all available branches:
    git branch -a
    Look for the branch you want. If it exists, use the exact name:
    git checkout feature/existing-branch
  2. For commits, ensure you’re using a valid hash:
    git checkout <valid-commit-hash>

Git operations like checkout only apply to tracked files. If the file was never added, Git doesn’t know about it.

  1. Check if the file is tracked:
    git ls-files | grep your-file.txt
    If there’s no output, the file is not tracked.
  2. Stage the file:
    git add path/to/your-file.txt
  3. Commit the file:
    git commit -m "Add your file"

File names with special characters, spaces, or non-ASCII characters can cause issues.

A file named my file.txt will need escaping or quoting:

git add "my file.txt"
  1. Use quotes or escape spaces:
    git add "path/to/my file.txt"
    git add path/to/my\ file.txt

When troubleshooting, use these commands to gather insights:

  1. verify the current branch:
    git branch
  2. list all files in the repository:
    git ls-files
  3. inspect the .gitignore rules:
    cat .gitignore
  4. check for ignored files:
    git check-ignore -v *

By following these steps, you can effectively resolve the "did not match any file(s) known to git" error and avoid it in future Git operations.

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