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Git cherry pick abort

Greg Foster
Greg Foster
Graphite software engineer
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This guide explains this concept in vanilla Git. For Graphite documentation, see our CLI docs.

Cherry-picking in Git is a useful technique that allows you to select and apply specific commits from one branch into another branch. It can be an effective tool for managing specific changes without merging entire branches. However, conflicts can occur during a cherry-pick, requiring resolution or sometimes necessitating an abort. In this guide, we'll explore how to abort a cherry-pick operation, continue after resolving conflicts, and use different strategies to handle merge conflicts during the process.

Cherry-picking in Git enables you to pick a commit from one branch and apply it onto another. This command is particularly useful in maintaining multiple versions of a project or correcting branches without merging all changes.

  • Applying hotfixes: Quickly applying a commit from the main branch to a release branch.
  • Selective feature integration: Applying specific features from a development branch to a mainline branch without waiting for a full merge.

During a cherry-pick, conflicts might arise, especially if the changes in the commits conflict with the current branch’s content.

When a conflict occurs during cherry-picking, Git will pause the operation, and you'll see a message indicating that there are unmerged paths.

  1. Edit the files: Open the conflicted files and make the necessary corrections.
  2. Add the resolved files: After fixing the conflicts in the files, use git add <filename> to mark them as resolved.

For a more in-depth walkthrough, see this guide on resolving Git merge conflicts.

Once the conflicts are resolved, you can continue the cherry-pick process:

git cherry-pick --continue

This command will continue applying the commit where you left off after resolving the conflicts.

There are situations when you might decide to abort a cherry-pick operation:

  • Complex conflicts: The conflicts are too complex or the cherry-pick was initiated incorrectly.
  • Incorrect commits: The wrong commit was chosen for cherry-picking.
  • Strategic changes: Changes in development strategy might require stopping the cherry-pick.

To abort a cherry-pick operation, use:

git cherry-pick --abort

This command will stop the cherry-pick and return your branch to the previous state before the cherry-pick started. By reverting the branch to its pre-cherry-pick state, any changes introduced by the partially completed cherry-pick are undone, ensuring that your working directory remains consistent with the state before the operation began. This command allows you to gracefully exit the cherry-pick process without leaving the branch in an inconsistent or unresolved state.

When working with Git, encountering conflicts during a merge operation is not uncommon, especially in collaborative development environments where multiple developers are working on the same codebase simultaneously. In such scenarios, Git provides several merge strategies to help resolve conflicts efficiently. Two of these strategies are ours and theirs, each serving a specific purpose in resolving conflicts.

The ours merge strategy instructs Git to resolve conflicts by favoring the changes from the current branch, effectively ignoring the changes from the branch being merged. This can be useful when you want to retain the current state of the code in your branch, regardless of conflicting changes from the other branch.

To utilize the ours strategy during a merge operation, you can employ the following command:

git merge -s ours <branch-to-merge>

This command will perform a merge operation, but when conflicts arise, it will automatically resolve them by choosing the changes from the current branch (ours), thereby preserving your branch's state.

Conversely, the theirs merge strategy directs Git to resolve conflicts by favoring the changes from the branch being merged, disregarding the changes from the current branch. This can be beneficial when you want to accept all the changes from the branch being merged, overriding any conflicting changes in your current branch.

To apply the theirs strategy during a merge operation, you can utilize the following command:

git merge -s recursive -X theirs <branch-to-merge>

This command initiates a merge operation, and in case of conflicts, it automatically resolves them by choosing the changes from the branch being merged (theirs), effectively incorporating all the modifications from that branch into your current branch.

In addition to merge operations, you can also apply merge strategies when cherry-picking specific commits from another branch. Cherry-picking allows you to select individual commits and apply them to your current branch.

To cherry-pick a commit from another branch using the ours strategy, you can employ the following command:

git cherry-pick -X ours <commit-hash>

This command cherry-picks the specified commit onto the current branch, and in case of conflicts, it resolves them by favoring the changes from the current branch (ours), effectively incorporating the changes from the cherry-picked commit while maintaining the current branch's state.

Similarly, to cherry-pick a commit from another branch using the theirs strategy, you can use the following command:

git cherry-pick -X theirs <commit-hash>

This command cherry-picks the specified commit onto the current branch, and in case of conflicts, it resolves them by favoring the changes from the cherry-picked commit (theirs), effectively incorporating all the modifications from that commit into the current branch, overriding any conflicting changes.

Let's illustrate the usage of these strategies with an example:

Suppose you have two branches: feature and main. You want to cherry-pick a commit from the feature branch onto the main branch, resolving conflicts with the theirs strategy.

# Switch to the main branch
git checkout main
# Cherry-pick the commit from the feature branch with the theirs strategy
git cherry-pick -X theirs <commit-hash>

In this example, Git cherry-picks the specified commit from the feature branch onto the main branch, resolving any conflicts by favoring the changes from the cherry-picked commit (theirs).

By leveraging these merge strategies, you can efficiently manage conflicts and incorporate changes from different branches into your codebase while maintaining control over which changes to prioritize during the merge process.

  • Commit granularity: Ensure that the commits you choose to cherry-pick are self-contained.
  • Commit history awareness: Be aware of the historical context of the commits to avoid dependency issues.
  • Clear communication: Notify your team when performing significant cherry-picks, especially in collaborative environments.

For further reading on the git-cherry-pick command, see the official Git documentation.

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