How to use git push origin

Kenny DuMez
Kenny DuMez
Graphite software engineer


This guide explains this concept in vanilla Git. For Graphite documentation, see our CLI docs.

The git push origin command transfers commits from your local repository to a remote repository. This command updates the remote branch with commits from your current branch. This guide will cover how to use git push origin and its variations to manage your code in a remote repository effectively.

In Git, "origin" is the default name given to the remote repository from which your local repository was cloned. You can push your changes to this remote repository using the git push origin command.

To push the current branch to the corresponding remote branch run:

git push origin

This command pushes changes from the local branch you are currently on to the remote branch with the same name.

If you want to push changes to a specific branch, you can specify the branch name:

git push origin <branch-name>

For example, to push to a branch named feature:

git push origin feature

If you are working with the main branch and ready to update the remote main branch, use:

git push origin main

This command specifically targets the main branch, ensuring that your local main branch's changes are pushed to the remote main branch.

The -u flag sets the upstream tracking information for the branch. This means that once you set the upstream branch with this command, you can use git push and git pull without specifying the branch in future commands.

git push -u origin <branch-name>

For example, to set upstream tracking for a branch named feature, run:

git push -u origin feature

To set the upstream tracking for the main branch, ensuring that future pushes and pulls target this branch by default, use:

git push -u origin main

Let's consider you have a local branch named feature that you've been working on and are now ready to push to the remote repository. Here's how you would push these local changes to the remote:

  1. Check the current branch:

    git branch

    This command will show you which branch you are currently on.

  2. Switch to the feature branch (if not already on it):

    git checkout feature
  3. Push the feature branch to origin with upstream tracking:

    git push -u origin feature

    This configures the feature branch to track the remote feature branch, simplifying future push and pull commands.

  4. Verify that the push was successful:

    git status

    This will confirm that everything is up-to-date and has been pushed correctly.

For further reading see the official Git documentation.

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