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How to resolve the git error "not a git repository"

Kenny DuMez
Kenny DuMez
Graphite software engineer
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This guide explains this concept in vanilla Git. For Graphite documentation, see our CLI docs.

One issue Git users may face is the error message: "not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git". This error pops up when Git commands are run in a directory that hasn't been initialized as a Git repository or if you're accidentally outside the scope of an initialized Git repository. Here's an in-depth guide to troubleshoot and resolve this error.

This Git error is telling you that Git cannot find the .git directory, which is required to execute most Git commands. This directory contains all the metadata for the repository, including configurations, logs, branches, and the commit history.

  • Running git commands outside a Git repository: This is common when you think you're in the directory of your Git project but you are actually in a different directory.
  • Corrupted Git repository: If the .git folder is damaged or incorrectly configured, Git might not recognize the directory as a repository.
  • Deleted or moved .git folder: If the .git folder has been removed or relocated, the connection to Git functionality is lost.

First, ensure you're in the correct directory where your Git repository is supposed to be. Use the pwd command (print working directory) to see your current directory:


If you’re not in the correct directory, navigate to it using the cd (change directory) command:

cd path/to/your/repository

Once in the correct directory, list the contents to see if the .git directory is present. You can do this with the ls command:

ls -la

Look for a directory named .git. If you don't see it, you're either in the wrong directory, or the repository was never initialized.

If the .git directory is missing, you may need to initialize a new Git repository. This is done using the git init command:

git init

This command creates a new .git directory in your current directory. If you had a previous commit history, this will not recover it, but it will allow you to start using Git commands.

If you suspect the .git directory was deleted but you need the repository's history back, check if you have any backups or clones of the repository elsewhere. If you do, you can clone it again:

git clone path/to/backup/repository

Sometimes, Git-related environment variables can affect your repository. Check for any unusual settings by looking at your Git configuration:

git config --list

Look for entries like GIT_DIR or GIT_WORK_TREE and ensure they're not misconfigured, which could lead to the error.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the "not a git repository" error by ensuring you're in the right directory, verifying the presence of the .git directory, or reinitializing your repository as needed. Always make sure to navigate correctly within your file system to avoid such issues and consider maintaining backups of your repositories to prevent loss of data.

For further reading see the official Git documentation.

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