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The Typescript Record utility type

Kenny DuMez
Kenny DuMez
Graphite software engineer
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TypeScript provides various ways to define and manipulate object types and collections. One versatile utility type is Record, which facilitates the creation of an object type with a set of known properties. This guide explores the Record type in TypeScript, discussing its syntax, usage scenarios, differences with other data structures like Map, and techniques for iteration and recursion.

A Record in TypeScript is a generic utility type that constructs an object type with a specific set of keys of a given type, and where all the values are of another specified type. The Record type is defined as Record<K, T>, where K represents the type of the keys and T represents the type of the values.

Here's a basic example of a Record:

type UserRecord = Record<string, number>
const ages: UserRecord = {
Alice: 25,
Bob: 30

In this example, UserRecord is a Record type where each key is a string and each value is a number.

Record is especially useful when you need to ensure all properties of an object have the same type, or when you want to map a fixed set of keys to values where the keys are known in advance but are too numerous or inconvenient to list individually in a type definition.

Both Record and Map store key-value pairs, but there are important differences:

  • Type strictness: Record is more type-strict, enforcing all keys to be of one type and all values to be of another type. Map, however, can have mixed type keys and values if specified.
  • Iteration: Map has built-in methods for iteration, like .keys(), .values(), and .entries(), making it more suitable for cases where order of elements matters or when elements are frequently added and removed.
  • Serialization: Record objects are just regular JavaScript objects and can be serialized directly using JSON.stringify(). Map requires conversion to an array or another structure for serialization.
const record: Record<string, number> = { Alice: 25, Bob: 30 }
const map = new Map<string, number>([
['Alice', 25],
['Bob', 30]
console.log(JSON.stringify(record)) // {"Alice":25,"Bob":30}
console.log(JSON.stringify(Array.from(map.entries()))) // [["Alice",25],["Bob",30]]

To iterate over a Record, you can use Object class methods such as Object.keys(), Object.values(), and Object.entries(). Here's how you can loop over a Record:

const userAges: Record<string, number> = { Alice: 25, Bob: 30 }
// Using Object.keys() to get all keys
for (const userName of Object.keys(userAges)) {
// Using Object.values() to get all values
for (const age of Object.values(userAges)) {
// Using Object.entries() to get key-value pairs
for (const [userName, age] of Object.entries(userAges)) {
console.log(`${userName} is ${age} years old`)

Recursive Record types are useful for defining objects with nested structures of the same type. Here’s how you can define a recursive Record:

type RecursiveRecord = Record<string, number | RecursiveRecord>
const nestedRecord: RecursiveRecord = {
level1: {
level2: {
value: 10
anotherValue: 5
function printRecord(record: RecursiveRecord) {
for (const key in record) {
if (typeof record[key] === 'object') {
printRecord(record[key] as RecursiveRecord)
} else {
console.log(`${key}: ${record[key]}`)
  1. Use Record for fixed schema objects: When the keys are known and uniform types are required, Record is an excellent choice.
  2. Consider using Map for dynamic collections: If the collection grows dynamically and keys are not predetermined, a Map might be more appropriate.
  3. Leverage TypeScript’s type safety: Always specify the types for keys and values to fully leverage TypeScript's type-checking.

For further reading on records in TypeScript, see the official documentation.

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