Sets in TypeScript

Kenny DuMez
Kenny DuMez
Graphite software engineer

This guide will explore the use of sets in TypeScript, including their properties, methods, and how to integrate them into TypeScript projects effectively.

In TypeScript, a Set is a collection of unique values that does not allow duplicate elements. A set is implemented with the Set object, which is part of the ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) specification and fully supported in TypeScript.

To create a set in TypeScript, you simply instantiate a new Set object. You can initialize a set with or without values.


let mySet = new Set<number>() // an empty set of numbers
let stringSet = new Set<string>(['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']) // set initialized with strings

To add items to a set, use the add method. This method appends a new element to a set, only if it is not already present in the collection.

mySet.add(1) // this will no-opp, and not add '1' again, as it is a duplicate

To check if an item exists in a set, use the has method.

console.log(mySet.has(1)) // true
console.log(mySet.has(3)) // false

has will return true if the element exists in the set, and return false if the element does not exist in the set.

To remove an item, use the delete method.

mySet.delete(2) // removes '2' from the set

To remove all items from a set, use the clear method.

mySet.clear() // empties the entire set

Sometimes, you might need to convert a set back into an array. You can do this using the spread operator ... or Array.from.

With the spread operator:

let arrayFromSet = [...stringSet]
console.log(arrayFromSet) // ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']

With Array.from:

let arrayFromSet2 = Array.from(stringSet)
console.log(arrayFromSet2) // ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']

Both the spread operator ... and the Array.from() method functionally perform the same, however:

  • Array.from() has additional capabilities: it can accept a map function as a second argument, allowing you to transform elements during the conversion process. For example:
    let arrayFromSet2 = Array.from(stringSet, (value) => value.toUpperCase())
    console.log(arrayFromSet2) // ['APPLE', 'BANANA', 'CHERRY']
  • The spread operator does not directly support transformation during unpacking; any transformation would require a separate operation like map():
    let arrayFromSet = [...stringSet].map((value) => value.toUpperCase())
    console.log(arrayFromSet) // ['APPLE', 'BANANA', 'CHERRY']

You can iterate over the elements of a set using forEach or a for...of loop.

Example with forEach:

stringSet.forEach((value) => {

Example with for...of loop:

for (let value of stringSet) {

For further reading on the differences between these two loops, see the official TypeScript documentation.

To perform more complex operations like intersections, unions, and differences, you will need to implement helper functions:


function intersectSets<T>(setA: Set<T>, setB: Set<T>): Set<T> {
let intersection = new Set<T>()
for (let elem of setB) {
if (setA.has(elem)) {
return intersection
  • The intersectSets function takes two sets, setA and setB, and returns a new set that includes only the elements that are present in both setA and setB.
  • It iterates through setB, checking if each element is present in setA. If it is, the element is added to the intersection set.


function unionSets<T>(setA: Set<T>, setB: Set<T>): Set<T> {
let union = new Set(setA)
for (let elem of setB) {
return union
  • The unionSets function also takes two sets, setA and setB, and returns a new set containing all elements from both setA and setB.
  • It initializes a new set union with the elements of setA and then adds elements from setB to this set. Since a Set in JavaScript automatically handles duplicates (i.e., it does not add a duplicate element), this function will correctly contain all unique elements from both sets.


function differenceSets<T>(setA: Set<T>, setB: Set<T>): Set<T> {
let difference = new Set(setA)
for (let elem of setB) {
return difference
  • The differenceSets function computes the difference between two sets, setA and setB, returning a new set containing elements that are in setA but not in setB.
  • It initializes a new set difference with the elements of setA and then removes elements found in setB.

For more information on the TypeScript Set object, see the official TypeScript documentation.

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