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Code review settings in GitHub

Sara Verdi
Sara Verdi
Graphite software engineer
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GitHub provides several settings to facilitate and enforce code review processes, and this guide will explore how to configure those code review settings, enable code reviews, and manage review requests using GitHub features, including branch protection rules, CODEOWNERS, and GitHub maintainers.

To enforce code review in GitHub, you typically need to configure branch protection rules:

  1. Navigate to your repository: Go to the GitHub repository where you want to enforce code reviews.

  2. Access settings: Click on the Settings tab located at the top of the repository page.

  3. Branch protection rules: In the left sidebar, select Branches. Under the Branch protection rules section, click on the Add rule button.

  4. Define the branch: Specify the branch you want to protect. For instance, you might enter main to set rules for the main branch.

  5. Enable required reviews: Check the option that says Require pull request reviews before merging. This setting ensures that any code changes must undergo review before they can be merged into the branch.

  6. Set additional options: You can further customize the settings by specifying the number of required approving reviews and whether to dismiss stale reviews or require review from code owners.

Once you have enabled code reviews, you can enforce requirements for them on specific branches. This can be done by configuring the branch protection rules, as outlined above. For example, when you select the Require pull request reviews before merging option, you can specify the number of approvals needed. This means that at least one or more designated reviewers must approve the changes before they can be merged.

GitHub allows users to initiate a code review process through a pull request (PR). To request a code review, follow these steps:

  1. Create a pull request: After making your changes on a separate branch, navigate to the Pull requests tab in your repository and click New pull request.

  2. Select branches: Choose the base branch (e.g., main) and compare it with the branch containing your changes.

  3. Request review: In the PR description, you can tag specific individuals or teams by using @ followed by their username. This will notify them that a review is needed.

  4. Assign reviewers: You can also directly assign reviewers by clicking on the Reviewers section on the right side of the PR page and selecting the users you want to review the code.

The CODEOWNERS file allows you to define who is responsible for reviewing code in specific directories or files within your repository. Here’s how to create and configure a CODEOWNERS file:

  1. Create the CODEOWNERS file: In your repository, navigate to the .github/ directory. If it doesn't exist, create it. Inside this directory, create a file named CODEOWNERS.

  2. Define ownership: In the CODEOWNERS file, specify the files or directories and the corresponding GitHub usernames or teams responsible for them.

  3. Automatic request for reviews: When someone opens a PR that modifies files listed in the CODEOWNERS file, GitHub automatically requests reviews from the specified owners, ensuring that the right people review the relevant code changes.

Branch protection rules work closely with GitHub maintainers to enforce collaboration and code quality. Maintainers are typically responsible for managing the repository, including approving or rejecting pull requests. Here’s how they fit into the code review process:

  1. Define maintainers: You can set specific users or teams as maintainers in the repository settings, granting them permissions to manage pull requests and enforce code review requirements.

  2. Monitor pull request reviews: Maintainers can oversee the review process, ensuring that reviews are conducted timely and in accordance with established guidelines.

Incorporating Graphite into your workflow can level up your code review experience. Graphite's PR inbox provides a centralized view of all pending code reviews, making it easier to track and manage pull requests. By using Graphite, you can:

  • View all open pull requests: Access a single dashboard to see all code review requests that require attention.
  • Prioritize reviews: Quickly identify which pull requests need immediate review, streamlining the workflow.
  • Receive notifications: Get real-time notifications for new pull requests and updates, ensuring you never miss a review request.

Configuring code review settings in GitHub is essential for maintaining code quality and facilitating collaboration among developers. By enabling code reviews through branch protection rules, utilizing CODEOWNERS, and leveraging tools like Graphite's PR inbox, teams can enhance their review processes, ensure accountability, and maintain high coding standards. This structured approach helps teams manage code effectively, ensuring that all contributions are reviewed and approved before merging into the main branch.

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