Top Git branching strategies 2024

Greg Foster
Greg Foster
Graphite software engineer


This guide explains this concept in vanilla Git. For Graphite documentation, see our CLI docs.

Understanding and implementing effective Git branching strategies is crucial for managing codebases efficiently, especially as team sizes and project complexities increase. This guide covers several popular strategies, including GitFlow, GitHub Flow, Trunk Based Development, and Feature Branch Workflow. Each strategy has its pros and cons, and selecting the right one depends on your team's needs, workflow preferences, and deployment schedules.

GitFlow is a structured branching model, initially created by Vincent Driessen in 2010, designed for managing multiple versions of a project simultaneously. It is particularly useful in environments where you need to maintain various releases while continuing development on upcoming versions.

  • Main: Serves as the official release history.
  • Develop: Integration branch for features.
  • Feature: Branch off from develop for feature development.
  • Release: Created from develop for final adjustments before a release.
  • Hotfix: Branch from main to quickly address issues in production.
  1. Feature development: Start by branching off from the develop branch.
  2. Merging: After completion of the feature and upon passing the code review cycle, merge the feature branch back into develop.
  3. Release preparation: When ready for a release, create a release branch from develop where you can fix minor bugs and prepare meta-data for a release.
  4. Release completion: Merge the release branch into main and back into develop.
  5. Hotfixes: If issues are discovered in main, create a hotfix branch, and once fixed, merge back into both main and develop.

This model supports extensive development tracks and is ideal for scheduled releases but can be complex and may over-complicate smaller projects.

GitHub Flow is a simpler alternative to GitFlow, ideal for continuous delivery environments. It focuses on the main branch as the primary and only branch that represents the deployable state of the project.

  1. Branch creation: Create a new branch from main whenever new work begins.
  2. Pull requests: Regularly push your branch to GitHub and open a pull request.
  3. Review and CI: Review the changes through peer reviews and automated builds/tests.
  4. Merge: Once everything passes, merge the changes directly into main.
  5. Deployment: Deploy from main immediately after the merge.

GitHub Flow is straightforward and emphasizes quick deployments. However, it requires a robust CI/CD pipeline to manage deployments effectively.

In Trunk Based Development, developers commit changes directly to the main branch, minimizing the use of long-lived branches. Short-lived feature branches are still used, but they are typically merged within a day or two.

  1. Commit small: The first step in the workflow involves making small, frequent commits directly to the main branch, often referred to as "main". This practice promotes continuous integration and ensures that changes are integrated into the codebase regularly, reducing the risk of conflicts and making it easier to track the evolution of the codebase over time.

  2. Feature flags: Feature flags, also known as feature toggles, are conditional statements in the code that control the activation of specific features. By using feature flags, developers can selectively enable or disable incomplete features during deployment and testing, even if they are not yet ready for general release. This allows teams to release partially implemented features to production environments without affecting end-users, facilitating gradual rollout and experimentation.

  3. Branch by abstraction: Branch by abstraction extends the concept of feature flags by providing a mechanism to implement new features or refactor existing code in isolation from the main codebase. Instead of creating long-lived feature branches, developers create temporary abstractions or interfaces that isolate the new functionality from the existing codebase. These abstractions serve as a bridge between the old and new implementations, allowing developers to gradually transition from one to the other without disrupting the application's functionality.

    • Implementation: Developers start by identifying the areas of the codebase that need to be modified or extended to accommodate the new feature or refactor. Instead of directly modifying the existing code, they create interfaces or abstractions that define the behavior of the new functionality.

    • Integration: Once the abstractions are in place, developers gradually migrate the existing code to use these abstractions instead of directly interacting with the old implementation. This process can occur incrementally, with each step verified through automated tests to ensure that the application remains functional.

    • Removal: Once the new feature or refactor is fully integrated and tested, the temporary abstractions can be removed, and the codebase returned to its original state. This ensures that the transition is reversible and minimizes the risk of introducing bugs or regressions.

Branch by abstraction provides several benefits, including:

  • Reduced merge conflicts: By avoiding long-lived feature branches, branch by abstraction minimizes the risk of merge conflicts that can arise when multiple developers work on separate branches for an extended period.
  • Continuous integration: By committing changes directly to the main branch and using feature flags to control feature activation, branch by abstraction promotes continuous integration and facilitates rapid feedback cycles.
  • Risk mitigation: Branch by abstraction allows teams to introduce new features or refactor existing code in a controlled manner, reducing the risk of introducing bugs or regressions that could impact end-users.
  • Flexibility: By isolating new functionality from the existing codebase, branch by abstraction provides flexibility to experiment with different implementations and gradually transition from one to the other without disrupting the application's functionality.

Trunk based development promotes continuous integration but requires a mature testing culture and may not be suitable for teams new to DevOps practices.

Choosing the right Git branching strategy depends on your project's scale, team size, and delivery requirements. For projects with continuous deployment, and a higher development velocity GitHub Flow or Trunk Based Development might be more appropriate. Larger teams with complex release schedules might benefit from GitFlow. Always consider your team’s workflow and the need for flexibility or control in managing releases when selecting a branching strategy.

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