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The ultimate guide to pull request guidelines

Sara Verdi
Sara Verdi
Graphite software engineer
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This guide explains this concept in vanilla Git. For Graphite documentation, see our CLI docs.

Pull request guidelines are a set of rules and best practices that developers should follow when contributing code to a project. These guidelines typically cover aspects such as coding standards, naming conventions, and the overall process of reviewing code. Adhering to these guidelines not only streamlines development but also facilitates easier code integration and maintenance. Here, we’ll explore effective pull request guidelines, focusing on how they can be implemented using Git and GitHub.

  1. Define clear scope and objectives for each pull request

    Every pull request should have a clearly defined purpose, addressing a specific task or bug. This helps reviewers understand the context and focus of the changes, making the review process more efficient.

  2. Follow a naming convention for branches and pull requests

    Using a consistent naming convention for branches can help identify the purpose of changes at a glance. For example, prefixing a branch with feature/, bugfix/, or hotfix/ can provide immediate context.

    Example: For a new authentication feature, you might use a branch name like feature/user-authentication.

  3. Ensure pull requests are small and manageable

    Smaller pull requests are easier to review and less likely to cause integration conflicts. Aim to keep changes focused and limited to a few hundred lines of code or specific functionality enhancements.

    Example: Instead of a complete overhaul in one pull request, stack your PRs or break the work into smaller, incremental changes.

  4. Include thorough descriptions and documentation

    When creating a pull request, provide a detailed description of what the changes entail and why they are necessary. Include screenshots, links to relevant issues, or any other information that could aid the review process.

  5. Adhere to coding standards and linting rules

    Enforcing coding standards through automated checks or linting can help maintain code quality and stylistic consistency across the project.

    Example: Set up a CI pipeline to run automated linting and tests on every pull request.

  6. Implement a review process with mandatory reviews

    Define rules requiring at least one or more team members to review code changes before they can be merged. This practice not only catches potential issues early but also promotes knowledge sharing within the team.

  7. Use Graphite's PR inbox to manage and prioritize reviews

    Graphite's PR inbox helps teams manage pull requests more efficiently by organizing and prioritizing them. It allows reviewers to focus on the most important tasks first and provides tools to automate routine actions, enhancing the overall review efficiency.

Pull requests are not just about code changes; they are also opportunities for learning and improvement within your development team.By implementing these pull request guidelines and utilizing tools like Graphite's PR inbox, teams can enhance their development workflows, ensure higher code quality, and maintain a healthy, collaborative environment.

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