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Squash, fold, and split changes
Learn how to squash, fold, and split changes with the Graphite CLI.

You should be familiar with how to:

gt squash allows you to squash multi-commit branches into a single commit branch, restacking upstack branches if necessary. This command is useful if you meant to run gt modify instead of gt modify -c, or to maintain single-commit branches after invoking gt fold. For example:

> gt log
◉ 06-28-second_branch (current)
10 minutes ago
| 6s7a8d7 - last committed change
│ d7d41b6 - committing another change
│ 8c6d8de - committing some changes
◯ 06-28-first_branch
5 minutes ago
│ 232e8cf - initial commit
◯ main
10 minutes ago
│ 1e0b290 - Merging a pull request
# we want to squash the three commits on 06-28-second_branch into one
> gt squash
# /* opens an interactive editor to rename the single commit */
> gt log
◉ 06-28-second_branch (current)
│ just now
│ 9e13a52 - a single commit
◯ 06-28-first_branch
5 minutes ago
│ 232e8cf - initial commit
◯ main
10 minutes ago
│ 1e0b290 - Merging a pull request

gt fold folds (combines) the current branch into its parent, and makes all children of the current branch children of the parent branch accordingly. It preserves the commit history of both the branches and their descendants. By default, it will use the name of the parent for the resulting combined branch, but you can use the name of the branch being folded (current branch) instead with the --keep flag. For example:

> gt log
◉ 06-28-second_branch (current)
10 minutes ago
│ d7d41b6 - committing another change
│ 8c6d8de - committing some changes
◯ 06-28-first_branch
5 minutes ago
│ 232e8cf - initial commit
◯ main
10 minutes ago
│ 1e0b290 - Merging a pull request
# we want to fold 06-28-second_branch into 06-28-first_branch
> gt fold
# or
> gt f
Folded 06-28-second_branch into 06-28-first_branch.
> gt log
◉ 06-28-first_branch (current)
│ just now
│ d7d41b6 - committing another change
│ 8c6d8de - committing some changes
│ 232e8cf - initial commit
◯ main
10 minutes ago
│ 1e0b290 - Merging a pull request

gt split splits the current branch into two or more branches. You can use one of two methods to split a branch:

  • --by-commit/--commit/-c

  • --by-hunk/--hunk/-h

If there is only one commit on the branch, you will enter hunk mode automatically. If there's more than one commit on the branch and you don't pass in an option, you'll be prompted to choose one.

In this mode, you split your branch along already-defined commit boundaries. For example, if you have a branch with five commits on it, you could put the first three into one branch and the others into another. This preserves commit history of the original branch and its descendants.

This mode allows you to split your branch by selecting hunks that you'd like to apply to each new branch. The interface is made up of iterative calls to git add --patch, which prompts you to stage your changes. You can split your branch by first staging only those you'd like to include in the first branch, then giving it a name, then moving on to the second, giving that one a name, and so on.


The branch name on a GitHub PR is immutable, so if you already have a PR open for a branch you're splitting and would like one of the new branches to stay attached to the PR, make sure to give the original branch's name to that new branch!

For example, if I have a PR open for my branch new_feature and I get asked to split out a necessary refactor that I included in the same branch, I can split my branch into necessary_refactor and (a now smaller) new_feature. When I resubmit, my feature changes will stay attached to any ongoing discussion on the original PR.

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