Use beta CLI releases
Join the Graphite CLI beta test group for early access to the newest features.

Get early access to the newest CLI features!

(As with the stable CLI, we recommend brew).

brew install withgraphite/tap/graphite-beta
npm install -g @withgraphite/graphite-cli@beta

New versions will be announced in the #cli-beta channel in our community Slack.


The beta CLI may be unstable.

If you encounter any issues please report them in the #cli-beta Slack channel.

See the instructions for how to install the latest stable version.


You do not need to uninstall your current CLI version to use the beta version.

Git inspired
Graphite's CLI and VS Code extension make working with Git effortless.
Learn more

Git stacked on GitHub

Stacked pull requests are easier to read, easier to write, and easier to manage.
Teams that stack ship better software, faster.

Or install our CLI.
Product Screenshot 1
Product Screenshot 2