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Graphite CLI v1 command names
Discover Graphite CLI v1's revamped command names.

The Graphite CLI v1 release included a shift in the naming scheme for Graphite CLI commands. We removed the noun-verb model and shifted to a flat command naming scheme. For those of you who have been with us for a while and gotten used to the beta commands, we also introduced a custom aliasing system that allows you to use any command names you want. You can configure it by editing the .graphite_aliases file in your home directory.

See the Legacy alias preset subpage for a list of aliases that replicates the old command names.

Command nameDefault aliasOld command name
gt creategt cgt branch create
gt modifygt mgt commit amend
gt modify --commitgt m -cgt commit create
gt submitgt sgt downstack submit
gt submit --stackgt ssgt stack submit
gt syncgt repo sync
gt checkoutgt cogt branch checkout
gt loggt lgt log
gt log shortgt lsgt log short
gt log longgt llgt log long
gt infogt branch info
gt upgt ugt branch up
gt downgt dgt branch down
gt topgt tgt branch top
gt bottomgt bgt branch bottom
gt authgt auth
gt initgt repo init
gt configgt user <config>/gt repo <config>
gt movegt upstack onto
gt reordergt downstack edit
gt renamegt rngt branch rename
gt deletegt dlgt branch delete
gt popgt branch unbranch
gt getgt downstack get
gt foldgt branch fold
gt splitgt spgt branch split
gt squashgt sqgt branch squash
gt restackgt rgt <scope> restack
gt modify --interactive-rebasegt branch edit
gt trackgt trgt stack/downstack track
gt untrackgt utrgt branch untrack
gt feedbackgt feedback
gt dashgt dash
gt docsgt docs
gt changeloggt changelog
gt continuegt contgt continue
gt mergegt mggt downstack merge
gt completiongt completion
gt fishgt fish
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