Graphite Reviewer is now Diamond
Learn about the default Graphite plan for teams.

Graphite offers two products: Graphite Core and Diamond (our AI code reviewer). Each is available as either a Standard plan or Enterprise, a highly customizable option for larger companies. To learn more about our Enterprise offering, contact our team. The rest of this document describes the Standard plan.

For each product, a GitHub organization gets a 31 day free trial, and can choose to purchase the Standard subscription at any point during the trial.

Each GitHub organization has a single Graphite subscription.

Graphite Core has a single per-seat price that depends on whether the organization is on a monthly or annual subscription. There is a three-seat minimum for either subscription period.

  • Annual subscription: $25 per seat per month (base price 3 x $25 x 12 = $900)

  • Monthly subscription: $29 per seat per month (base price 3 x $29 = $87)

During your one-month trial period, you can invite as many coworkers as you’d like to use Graphite, for free. You’ll have full access to all the features included in the Standard plan, including unlimited stacks, the Graphite merge queue, and automations. For best practices on trialing Graphite with your team, see here.

Once your team is ready, you can purchase a subscription by clicking Upgrade plan in team billing settings. You’ll be taken to the Stripe billing portal, where you’ll select the billing period (annual or monthly) and enter payment details.


Before you check out, make sure you’re purchasing the Standard plan for the intended organization. Your first bill will include everyone on your team at the time the subscription starts. See Graphite admin to learn how to add or remove seats.

If you choose not to purchase a subscription at the end of your trial period, your account will be put into the free tier. In the free tier you can continue to use Graphite to view and review PRs. However, you will not be able to use Graphite to create or merge PRs. You can exit the free tier at any time by upgrading.

Teams on a monthly subscription are invoiced once a month. Similarly, teams on an annual subscription are invoiced once a year, with the potential for additional invoices on a monthly basis if users join or leave the Graphite team. Changes to the number of seats on a team are reflected on the following month’s invoice:

  • If a new user joins the team, the charge for their seat will appear on your next invoice, prorated based on the remaining time in the billing period.

  • If a user leaves the team, we’ll issue a credit back on your next invoice, prorated based on the remaining time in the billing period.

As an example, let’s say you start your annual subscription on June 1, 2024 with a team of ten engineers. Fifteen days later on June 16, one person leaves the team and two more join. No changes occur for the remainder of the year. Here’s how billing would work:

  • June 1, 2024: ($75 for first 3 seats + $25 * 7 additional seats) * 12 months = $3000

  • July 1, 2024: ($25 * 2 new seats * 12 months) * (350 days / 365 days) - ($25 * 1 unused seat * 12 months) * (350 days / 365 days) = $287.67

  • June 1, 2025: ($75 for first 3 seats + $25 * 8 additional seats) * 12 months = $3300

Diamond can be enabled on a per-repository basis. When an organization enables Diamond in a repository, it will be billed at the end of their current billing cycle for all committers that were active (e.g. created a pull request) in the last month prior to the end of their billing cycle. If multiple repositories in the organization have Diamond enabled, each unique committer will only be counted once even if they were active in multiple repositories.

Diamond's price per committer depends on whether the committer has a Graphite Core seat. Diamond costs $15 for Graphite Core users, and $20 for active committers without a Graphite Core seat.

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