Create a pull request
Learn to use the Graphite CLI to create a single pull request.

This tutorial will teach you how to create a single pull request with the gt CLI. Your goal is to learn how your existing Git/GitHub workflow for creating pull requests maps to gt commands.

This tutorial intentionally avoids discussing stacked pull requests, so you can stay focused on building confidence with the basic single PR workflow.


Before working through this tutorial, make sure to install & authenticate the CLI.

Pick a Git repository that already exists on your computer, and change to that directory:

cd ~/path/to/your/repo

If you don’t have a repository or prefer a blank one for demo purposes, you can create a new repository on GitHub, git clone it locally, and cd to the folder.

If this is the first time working with gt in this repo, run gt init and select your trunk branch when prompted (usually main or master):

gt init

Your repo is now configured to work with gt and you’re ready to start making your first pull request.

For this tutorial, pretend that your team is building a new activity feed feature, and you’ve been assigned a task to build a server API endpoint that returns the current user’s activity feed items:

GET /activity-feed
{ id: 1, title: "Photo uploaded", body: "Alice uploaded a photo" },
{ id: 2, title: "Comment on post", body: "Charlie commented on Bob's post" },

Your goal is to get something up with dummy data quickly, so the frontend engineers on your team can start building UI components that consume this API.

This tutorial isn’t focused on coding, so paste this command into your terminal to quickly create a file with the new API changes:

cat << EOF > activity_feed.js
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const port = 3000;
// Fake data for the activity feed
const activityFeed = [
id: 1000,
title: 'New Photo Uploaded',
body: 'Alice uploaded a new photo to her album.'
id: 2000,
title: 'Comment on Post',
body: "Bob commented on Charlie's post."
id: 13,
title: 'Status Update',
body: 'Charlie updated their status: "Excited about the new project!"'
app.get('/feed', (req, res) => {
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(\`Server running on port \${port}\`);

Run git status and confirm that activity_feed.js shows up as an untracked file. At this point, you’re ready to commit your work to a new branch.

If you’re coming from Git/GitHub, you’re probably used to this workflow:

# Create a new branch
git checkout -b your-feature-branch-name
# Do some coding
echo "some changes" >> a_file.js
# Stage your changes
git add a_file.js
# Commit your changes
git commit -m "feat: Add a new feature to a_file.js"

Because this is such a common workflow, we’ve wrapped it up in a single gt create command, which:

  • Takes a commit message

  • Creates a branch with a name based on that commit message

  • Commits your changes under that same message

  • Checks out the new branch

From the previous section, your repo should have an uncommitted file called activity_feed.js.

To commit this new file & create a new branch for it:

gt add activity_feed.js
gt create --message "feat: Add basic activity feed API"

If you run gt log short, you should see your new branch, with an indicator that you’ve also checked the branch out:

◯ main

Now that your branch is created, you’re ready to submit it for review.


gt create takes an --all flag that will stage your unstaged changes for you, similar to git commit --all.

Both --all and --message have short versions: gt create -am "commit message" works the same as git commit --all --message "commit message".

Once your work is finished locally, the next step in the authoring workflow is to submit it for code review.

Since gt create already checked out your new feature branch for you, run the following command to create a new pull request:

gt submit

It will prompt you with a few questions:

  • Whether you want to edit the PR description now

    • If you select yes, it will open the PR description in your $EDITOR for editing.

  • Whether you want a draft PR, or to publish it immediately

    • Since this is a tutorial, it’s probably best to create a draft PR

When gt submit completes, it will print out the URL of the newly created pull request. You can either directly click the URL, or run gt pr to quickly open the new PR in your default browser.


Graphite has a streamlined, stack-aware code review interface that gt pr will take you to by default. However, your coworkers can still decide whether to review with Graphite or GitHub, as we 2-way sync every pull request.

Comments & feedback from the GitHub PR interface will show up on Graphite, and vice versa!

Once your coworker reviews your new pull request, it’s possible they might have some blocking changes they’d like you to make.

A typical Git workflow might look like this:

# Check out the branch and address the feedback
git checkout your-feature-branch
echo "respond to feedback" > file.js
# Stage + commit the changes
git add file.js
git commit -m "responded to feedback"
# Push the new changes to GitHub & update your PR
git push origin your-feature-branch

With gt, you can make this a little easier.

If you need to check out your branch, you can do it with autocomplete and/or arrow key selection by running:

gt checkout

You’ll be prompted for which branch to pick, saving you the effort of copying the branch name from your pull request on GitHub.

Once you’ve made your changes and are ready to git add && git commit, you can run:

gt modify

and your changes will be amended to the existing commit.

If you prefer to create a new commit for your changes, you can pass the --commit flag to gt modify:

gt modify --commit --message "Responded to Alice's feedback"
# or, with short arguments:
gt modify -cm "Responded to Alice's feedback"
# or, with short command AND short arguments :)
gt m -cm "Responded to Alice's feedback"

Now that you’ve committed your changes, you can push them up using the same command as before:

gt submit

The full workflow for updating an existing branch is:

# Check out your branch interactively
gt checkout # or gt co
# Make changes and amend the branch
echo "some changes" > file.js
gt modify # or gt m
# Push the changes up
gt submit # or gt s
Git inspired
Graphite's CLI and VS Code extension make working with Git effortless.
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Git stacked on GitHub

Stacked pull requests are easier to read, easier to write, and easier to manage.
Teams that stack ship better software, faster.

Or install our CLI.
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